Thursday, September 22, 2005

Who invented the wheel?

Have you ever wondered how they got the huge stones to Stonehenge? It is said that these huge blocks of stone had to be dragged all the way from Wales!

Most accounts have a description of sledge --> log rollers --> primitive wheel rather like the diagram bellow:

The picture below shows the worlds smallest man made motorised wheel. A University of California physicist has created the first nano-scale motor. The entire electric motor is about 500 nanometers across, 300 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

However it will suprise you to know that the primitive wheels that men invented were not the first and the tiny motor above is not the smallest.

Da nah! Enter the bacterial flagellum!

Here are bacteria shown on the end of a pin. On the end of a bacterium there is sometimes a whiplike structure called a "flagellum." It has been shown that this is in fact by far the smallest functional wheel and motor rolled into one. This is the structure which is at the heart of the intelligent design debate. The real question is who invented this wheel and this tiny motor. It is made up of more than 40 seperate complicated parts each one of which has it's own gene to code for its assembly. Each part is needed to make the motor work. A diagram of one of the parts required for the motor to work is shown on the right. Each of these components has a precise set of instructions coding for its construction. The real question is how is it possible for atheists to know all of this and still maintain that Darwin was right.

1 comment:

Andrew Rowell said...

Flagellum is correct!
As for your prophecy we will have to wait and see...