Wednesday, December 18, 2024

What is the argument?

 The argument about design is - in the end- about what a person is and whether they exist or not.

The most fundamental place where this argument takes place it with regards to origins. This is not the only place where it is important however.

Everyone involved in the argument knows that this argument has the largest possible consequences all down the line.

This is not merely a dry as dust academic puzzle.

This is not a place where anyone can be objective and without personal interest.

It is about the most basic foundations of your whole way of life and thought.

Everything is at stake here for everyone. There are no disinterested parties here.

How nice is our argument?

This is not simply a logical puzzle. This is not simply a game.

Many people think we should be just "nice"!

Many people think we should be just "winsome"!

I was once told the story of a crash on the M6 motorway. It was because of dense fog and there was, in the fog, a pile up of cars. There was no warning and more and more cars were piling into the fatal carnage.

I was told of a man running up the hard shoulder of the motorway shouting and screaming and throwing road cones into the road... trying to slow the traffic. Trying to stop more and more cars ploughing into the crash.

I want to be that man.

We are to be careful.

We are to use our words with kindness and consideration.


We are to be alarmed

We are to be alarming

We are to be angry.

We need to identify the lies and we need to identify the deliberate liars.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The argument

 The argument is regarding evidence for design. Christianity is built on the idea that there is clear proof for the reality of God and that this evidence is available to all and is inescapably convincing. Christianity is built on the idea that the design argument is solid. As we examine the universe around us we are aware that we did not make it and we did not make ourselves. Either it happened or God did it. It is my contention that the nature of our thinking necessitates theism. There is an orderliness to the universe, to life and to our own inescapable way of thinking that requires that it be built on an eternally personal foundation. This is the great choice at the bottom of all our seeing and thinking. It is either a basically personal universe or a basically impersonal universe. Theism says that the universe is built personally and is the stage for a display of the glory of its creator. The stage proclaims his glory and the play of history will also proclaim his glory. 

If you choose the impersonal view of reality then you have no basis for your own personal reality. 

The impersonal view provides no proper explanation for the origin of life or consciousness or language. The theistic view is that these are all eternal realities.

The material view of a person is totally unsatisfactory it provides no basis for the imperative to truth and goodness. It ends up in denial of what is impossible to deny if you wish to deny anything. It ends up with the dissolution of the entirety of the reality of the personal on which all that we value most rests. No one can be a consistent materialist. No one can be a consistent atheist.

Trust requires a truly personal object. This is entirely different from a material mechanism. You cannot resolve what we all mean by a person into the material and impersonal. All our language and thought is built on assumptions about the personal that are incompatible with materialism and atheism.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


There has been a long gap on this blog.

I got into lots of discussions with atheists and materialists about intelligent design (ID).

One of the common objections to ID was that IDers never did any science and never did any work other than attack atheism.

I felt that this was grossly unfair but I have done the work and now am ready to do battle again.

I am also going to change my approach. Earlier posts sought to be respectably scientific and I sought to keep out of my posts and arguments anything explicitly Theistic and Christian. I am not going to restrict myself in any way like that from this point. I am a Theist. I am a Christian. I am a Creationist. I am also a scientist and I love matter and I love logic and I love reason... intensely...fiercely.. but I am convinced that the matter that actually exists points to an origin which matter cannot account for in itself!


Round 2 - let the battle recommence!